Student Disclosures

CTU is committed to providing information and disclosures to help prospective students make an informed decision about their educational options. The information provided on this page is intended to further that effort.

Consumer Information

Consumer Information, sometimes referred to as Student Right to Know information, is provided as required by the U.S. Department of Education. Consistent with these requirements, we report and disclose certain information in a clear, prominent, user-friendly, and easily understood manner. This information is available on this website; currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff receive an email notice regarding the availability of this information annually by July 1. Information is provided to prospective students and employees as required by the U.S. Department of Education.

A paper copy is available upon request.

Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Outcomes Disclosures

The University provides information regarding student outcomes such as graduation rates, retention rates and the types of graduate level programs in which our graduates enroll. This information is compiled according to U.S. Department of Education requirements that focus on data for undergraduate students who meet certain criteria; details are provided within each category.

Colorado Technical University Outcomes Measures

CTU discloses data that addresses the broad variety of its student populations and programs, and that is appropriate for CTU’s mission and goals for all students. Read more about CTU's Outcomes Measures.

Programmatic Information

CTU provides student outcomes information for specific programs as required by the programmatic accreditor.


ABET requires that institutions publicly post annual student enrollment and graduation data for each program that is programmatically accredited by the agency. Information for each program can be found at the links below:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


The College of Business and Management publishes Student Learning Achievement data for programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Additional information can be found by clicking here


For information specific to the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) required completion and employment rates, follow the links below:

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - (RN to BSN completion)

Master of Science in Nursing


CTU publishes information on enrollments and degrees conferred for all programs accredited by the Project Management Institute Global Accreditation Center (PMI-GAC). Additional information can by found at the following links:

Program Enrollment and Degrees Conferred

PMI Program Graduation Rates

Professional Licensure

Pursuant to 34 CFR § 668.43, the institution makes readily available to enrolled and prospective students information about specific professional licensure or certification requirements for employment in an occupation if an educational program is designed to meet such requirements in a State. Information about CTU’s programs that are designed to lead to additional licensure or certification can be found at the following links:

Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner

Post Graduate Certificate – Family Nurse Practitioner

State Disclosures

CTU publishes program information for Maryland students as required by Maryland Code, Commercial Law § 13-320(b)(1)-(2).

Student Loan Cohort Default Rate (CDR)

The Cohort Default Rate (CDR) is a percentage of borrowers who entered repayment and then defaulted on their loan. This figure is calculated using data over a three year period. The National Student Loan Cohort Default Rate is calculated by the US Department of Education and published annually.

The most current (FY20) cohort default rates were significantly impacted by the pause on federal student loan payments that began March 13, 2020. During the pause, borrowers with ED-held student loans were not required to make any payments, and no borrowers with ED-held loans entered default. CTU’s default rate for 2020 is 0%.

Click here for more information from the Department of Education on default rates.

Annual Security Report

Colorado Technical University takes the safety and security of its students very seriously. From physical security at any CTU campus, to protection of sensitive personal and financial information, CTU has developed a number of policies to ensure a positive and productive learning experience. The Annual Security Report includes information about the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, the Campus Crime Statistics Report, and information about Title IX. Information is provided to prospective students and employees as required by the U.S. Department of Education. A paper copy is available upon request. Learn more about CTU safety and security.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are formal, written agreements between two campuses. They define how courses taken at one school can be used to satisfy academic requirements in a program at another school. Schools that have entered into articulation agreements with CTU are listed here. These articulation agreements may not be applicable for all courses offered.

Grievance Procedure

Students who wish to process a grievance or perceive that their rights may have been denied may seek assistance through the CTU Ombudsman’s Office. The Ombudsman staff is responsible for answering student inquiries and serving as a liaison between the student and university departments. Additional details about this process and the CTU grievance procedure, including contact information, can be found in the University Catalog.

General Information

Information about program and University policies, including admissions, academics, transfer credit, financial aid, and graduation requirements can be found in the CTU University Catalog.

Classes Start Mar 25, 2025*

Are You In?

Take the next step. Fill out the form and speak to an Admissions Advisor.

By clicking the “I AGREE & SUBMIT” button below, I consent to CTU using automated technology and/or pre-recorded means to email, call, and text me at the phone number above regarding educational services. I understand that my consent is not required as a condition to purchase a good or services. I am providing an e-signature confirming my consent and my agreement to CTU’s "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy". Msg and data rates may apply.

*Start dates may vary by program and location.